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03/16/17 7:29 PM

#266721 RE: JimLur #266700

He can't prove it now .. he lied ..

and i doubt if Britt Ekland or any of the same name had anything to do with it ..


03/17/17 2:44 AM

#266730 RE: JimLur #266700

Britain's GCHQ agency denies wiretapping Donald Trump

Britain's communications intelligence agency GCHQ has issued a statement denying it wiretapped Donald Trump during the US presidential campaign.
17 March 2017
The unusual move by the agency came after White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer cited claims first made on US TV channel Fox News earlier this week.
GCHQ responded by saying the allegations were "nonsense, utterly ridiculous and should be ignored".
Mr Trump has claimed that Trump Tower in New York was under surveillance.
'Chain of command'
The GCHQ claims were initially made by former judge Andrew Napolitano.
Mr Spicer quoted Mr Napolitano as saying: "Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command.
"He didn't use the NSA, he didn't use the CIA, he didn't use the FBI and he didn't use the Department of Justice, he used GCHQ."
A GCHQ spokesman said: "Recent allegations made by media commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano about GCHQ being asked to conduct 'wiretapping' against the then president-elect are nonsense.
"They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored."


Trump: 'Wiretap covers a lot of different things'

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Sean Spicer Press Briefing (3/16/2017)

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Press Secretary Sean Spicer speaks to reporters at the White House during the daily press briefing. [with comments]


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