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03/16/17 12:32 PM

#45418 RE: I-Glow #45417

Unsure if the wife plays into all this as well.


03/16/17 3:35 PM

#45426 RE: I-Glow #45417

His wife is most likely a place holder or associated name or the phony officers like NTEK has listed, until the assets are hidden into the new company and probably the wife being a lawyer could be acting on either companies behalf.

Why didn't hjoe come out with a 8K? This is a major material event.
The fact that they're using all hjoe jerky bags and artwork and most probably the same jerky stuffed into new named bags. There is no reference to hjoe so if this is associated with hjoe, then it looks like a totally different company.

I don't believe for a moment that the LTCG and hangover drinks are different products at all. Both are berry flavored. Same goes for the jerky. Who can prove otherwise.
Phone appears to be a cell phone out of Little Rock, Ark.

Dist by Happy Jacks
suite 327 970 w.Broadway
Jackson Hole, WY 83001

Possible UPS store for office or drop ship address. I love the mountains though.,-110.7846226,3a,55.5y,197.8h,92.16t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s8TnEWzSV4jySyqfqvrXyrA!2e0!5s20151201T000000!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en