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03/15/17 7:22 PM

#1720 RE: TJG #1719

On the Y-fin MB as I researched the stock, there was some condemning of management as less then able.

Secondly, doubts about lums (brilliance) of display.
If that is so, could organic LED tech help to solve that?

There also was talk of MVIS having 500 patents in their field of tech. Sounds like the company has built-in value to potential suitor and/or partners?

I am thinking of buying a small amount just to take a chance after investigating.

Is there any MSFT interest in company?

Someone liked the news of the contact, as volume was over 5x daily average.

Would APPL be thinking of going for 2st Fab maker in USA, as to benefit from Trump working to get on-shore returns of overseas profits via domestic USA investing? There has been talk of Tax Credits only ending up in dividends and stock buy-backs, instead of going to new USA plants and surrounding infrastructure.

MVIS looks capable of reaching above $4 in 2018, I would agree.