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03/15/17 2:22 AM

#28897 RE: SchlumpyStock-Picker #28895

Hi, Schlumpy! I can help ...

More than five years ago I checked into what you are looking for because I have a slight tear in my meniscus in both knees. I am athletic (weightlift, swim, hike, etc.) and I cannot do leg presses anymore because my knees will hurt in that area, and if I ever try to swim a sidestroke I will really irritate the meniscus area.

I found a clinic that seemed to be the first major one out in the Western USA who addressed this problem with stem cell therapy and was successful. Regenexx in Colorado between Denver and Boulder. See them at This was 5 to 7 years ago when I first inquired. It then was priced about $7,000 per knee and recovery took about four weeks. I haven't had it done yet, because I couldn't afford it at the time and I opted to stop doing leg presses and sidestrokes. I have been okay in past years, but when I have the time and the money, I am going to go ahead and get it done.

I am really excited about USRM becoming more recognized and successful because this is the future way to heal many ailments/injuries. This is why Warren Buffet and other big investors are sinking money into stem cell companies.

Please let me know what you find out.

Best wishes,



03/15/17 2:33 AM

#28898 RE: SchlumpyStock-Picker #28895


03/15/17 7:20 AM

#28905 RE: SchlumpyStock-Picker #28895

Stem cells are going to change the world ....