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03/14/17 7:15 PM

#71460 RE: 1990 #71459

Awsome! Thank you for sharing!!
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03/14/17 7:22 PM

#71461 RE: 1990 #71459

Awesome!!! Thanks for this info.
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03/14/17 7:25 PM

#71462 RE: 1990 #71459

Very interesting! He left the door wide open that it's being tested for a second use, rather then just replying " no" it's just for prsriosis. JMO
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03/14/17 7:26 PM

#71463 RE: 1990 #71459

Thanks for the update!
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03/14/17 7:28 PM

#71464 RE: 1990 #71459

Thank you for sharing my friend....
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retired early

03/14/17 7:31 PM

#71465 RE: 1990 #71459

Thanks for sharing with us.
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03/14/17 7:36 PM

#71466 RE: 1990 #71459

Awesome, Any big pharma (i.e. JNJ) would pay $2-3B for the opportunity to bring this product line to market. Especially when the product is so market ready and the market is begging for it. I hate to say it, however company could go private with that kind of offer and continue their building, without the knucklehead hassle of the Public Market.
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crazy horse 0

03/14/17 7:39 PM

#71467 RE: 1990 #71459

Great Interview Thanks

Proves again OWCP has 8 Patents and is a force in the Medical Cannabis Sector.

Looks to me that the Psoriasis Cream is going to be a HUGE Winner. The Market for this Cream will be astounding IMO !
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03/14/17 7:39 PM

#71468 RE: 1990 #71459

Awesome post!
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03/14/17 7:43 PM

#71469 RE: 1990 #71459

IMO this is by far the best part and where the real money is!! Thank you for your work!! Owcp long!!! Anything on the tablet?

Q: well are you more advanced then the previous article about killing 100% in 60% of myeloma cells in tested animals?

A: yes we are more advanced than that. I can't comment on specifics unfortunately. I don't want to tip off competition.
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03/14/17 7:48 PM

#71470 RE: 1990 #71459

Excellent post. When I met him in Boca, I could really sense his passion for what they are doing as well as his confidence that they will be successful. As far as the PPS, you are spot on that he is aware of the fluctuations, but was not at all concerned because he seemed so sure of where we wld end up in the long run. Did u get the same impression?

Guys, I'm telling you, if you ever get the chance to meet Ziv, your confidence level will be off the charts about OWCP. These guys are not messing around, they intend to make their mark w/ thiswas company and they have all the players in place to make it happen.

Thank you again, 1990 for taking the time to post ur findings.

We are in great hands w/ this Executive Team. Those that are patient and can handle the ups and downs, will be very wealthy at the end of this journey.


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03/14/17 7:54 PM

#71471 RE: 1990 #71459

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
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el jefe78

03/14/17 7:59 PM

#71474 RE: 1990 #71459 have been a invaluable asset to this group. Thank you!
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03/14/17 8:12 PM

#71477 RE: 1990 #71459

Awesome post and interview....thanks so much for posting that. I truly believe we are sitting on a golden much upside. We just need to be patient. (more for myself than anybody else!) Thanks again! Peace
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03/14/17 8:22 PM

#71480 RE: 1990 #71459

Thanks for your work! Questions about the cream: If coming to USA first through Medmar, it obviously will not be FDA approved (at least for now).

1. How would it be labeled when being sold without FDA approval? Similar to how workout supplements are sold?

2. What does he mean by saying, "First clinically tested Psoriasis cream?" Aren't other creams sold over the counter been tested for Psoriasis too?

Thanks in advance
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03/14/17 8:44 PM

#71489 RE: 1990 #71459

Thanks for sharing this interview. Everything Ziv told you confirms what we've been saying on this board for a long time. It is wonderful to get management confirmation.

Amazing days are upon us!

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General Grievous

03/14/17 9:04 PM

#71490 RE: 1990 #71459

What's going on with those pictures? Not doubting you but so many people on iHub claim to visit companies yet never have any photos for people who can't/won't make the trip. Just as validity for the information you brought could you please share as soon as possible?

Thank you
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03/14/17 9:14 PM

#71491 RE: 1990 #71459

1990, Thank you for sharing your time and effort on these topics which are very important and timely!


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03/14/17 9:16 PM

#71492 RE: 1990 #71459

Great job. Great interview.
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running high

03/14/17 9:58 PM

#71495 RE: 1990 #71459

The synopsis of your interview was fantastic.
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03/14/17 10:08 PM

#71498 RE: 1990 #71459

Awesome post 1990. MM for you buddy, Excellent work and keep them coming!

Only psoriasis creme in the market that's clinically tested and there is no side effect. Wow!! This product could make a big splash in the psoriasis treatment and take over a big portion of the psoriasis market.

no there are no side effects which is a benefit of this cream unlike other medications. Also our product is natural and does not have chemicals in it like other treatments. Furthermore I believe our product will be the only psoriasis cream clinically tested on the market. If you can find another cream that was let me know (this is Ziv btw)

Go $$OWCP$$

All imho, do your own DD.

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03/14/17 10:30 PM

#71501 RE: 1990 #71459

Ty I think the part about his mum is so sweet. Aren't all mums exactly the same.

Excellent write up if I'd known you were going I could have given you a few more questions to ask
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03/15/17 1:15 AM

#71526 RE: 1990 #71459

Thanks for sharing your interview with the board 1990!OWCP!
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03/15/17 3:14 AM

#71530 RE: 1990 #71459

Thanks for the post of your interview. That's the kind of info that is valuable and real. Especially since it's coming from Ziv Turner, OWCP's VP Business Developmentand Managing Director. I'm assuming by Ziv you mean Ziv Turner. Great job mate!
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03/15/17 3:24 AM

#71531 RE: 1990 #71459


Many Thanks
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03/15/17 3:41 AM

#71532 RE: 1990 #71459

Mod please stick it,
Thank for share !!
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One Luv

03/15/17 5:51 AM

#71533 RE: 1990 #71459

Oh Boy! We have a gem guys!! $$$$$
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03/15/17 6:36 AM

#71535 RE: 1990 #71459

MODS: please sticky interview
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03/15/17 7:19 AM

#71540 RE: 1990 #71459

Very interesting read. Thank you.
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03/15/17 12:10 PM

#71670 RE: 1990 #71459

Wow! Great Interview 1990, thanks for sharing. Psoriasis Cream is going to be Amazing for OWCP. What a Market for this company! Also loved this:
Furthermore I believe our product will be the only psoriasis cream clinically tested on the market. If you can find another cream that was let me know (this is Ziv btw)

As for myeloma updates...are you more advanced then the previous article about killing 100% in 60% of myeloma cells in tested animals?

A: yes we are more advanced than that.

Proves again OWCP has 8 Patents and is a force in the Medical Cannabis Sector.

Q: how many patents do you have. Are they all provisional? Are they all protected by USPTO?

A: 8 provisional and they are all protected by USPTO.

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03/15/17 1:07 PM

#71696 RE: 1990 #71459

Wow OWCP is definitely an amazing company and has HUGE plans to become a major player in the MMJ sector. Thanks 1990!
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03/15/17 11:07 PM

#71963 RE: 1990 #71459

Amazing interview
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03/16/17 8:11 AM

#72004 RE: 1990 #71459

Thank you
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03/16/17 8:53 AM

#72010 RE: 1990 #71459

Out of curiosity did you get a chance to see the container the cream was in?

Was it "finished product", lablelled and ready to put on the shelves?

I wonder if the this is ready to ship and waiting on the fomality with the resukts...

Just curious..

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03/16/17 11:21 AM

#72104 RE: 1990 #71459

Interview with Ziv by 1990:

1990 Tuesday, 03/14/17 07:07:52 PM
Re: None
Post #
of 72102 Go
Ok so I want to start off with a few things before I get into the interview. I would like to start off by commending Ziv. He was willing to meet with me at 8am (even though they start work significantly later to mirror American hours) and he allotted essentially an infinite amount of time for me. I want to follow up with an apology to you guys. I had to catch a flight and this was very last minute so I only had about half an hour with him. I didn't get to get as deep into it as I would like or get to ask all the questions submitted. That being said I will detail the brief interview below. There will be some places where I insert my opinion and I will make those points clear.

First and foremost the office definitely exists guys haha. It's a standard office with a beautiful lobby in a mini office park. The outside looks average but inside it looks modern. I took a few pictures and am on my phone now. Maybe I can post them from my computer later? I also passed by tel hashomer hospital. I have asked many people there about it and it's reputation is outstanding.

Now on to the interview

Q: what other uses are being tested for the cream? I believe I heard something about basal cell carcinoma

A: I can't get into those details but I can tell you basal cell carcinoma is not something we are testing now. It is definitely on our radar for the near future

Q: does the cream have any side effects? What makes it different from other products?

A: no there are no side effects which is a benefit of this cream unlike other medications. Also our product is natural and does not have chemicals in it like other treatments. Furthermore I believe our product will be the only psoriasis cream clinically tested on the market. If you can find another cream that was let me know (this is Ziv btw)

Q: what country do you plan to market to first?

A: US but we are also excited to take advantage of the European market. It's huge and often gets overlooked.

Q: so you want to enter the US market. This is through Medmar correct? Is this the same one in Illinois?

A: yes we will distribute through Medmar. No it's not the same company in Illinois.

Q: consulting contracts. When do you expect to generate revenue from them

A: sometime this year

Q: any myeloma updates?

A: not that I can say

Q: well are you more advanced then the previous article about killing 100% in 60% of myeloma cells in tested animals?

A: yes we are more advanced than that. I can't comment on specifics unfortunately. I don't want to tip off competition.

Q: how many patents do you have. Are they all provisional? Are they all protected by USPTO?

A: 8 provisional and they are all protected by USPTO. We filled the provisional with the intention of working our way to a real patent. It's a process. We also filled a PCT patent on five of them which extends our ownership of idea and time period for 18 months as we flush out these concepts further. But yes these are currently protected.

Q: is the condom one of those

A: of course it could be a fun way to take/give medication

Q: what other diseases are currently in the pipeline?

A: I cannot mention anything that wasn't published but there are others

Q: who do you see as your biggest competitor?

A: no competition at the moment. There are so many possibilities for cannabis and medical application that there isn't any reason for people to step on each other's toes. The more people who embrace cannabis the more beneficial it is for the industry.

Q: will you touch the raw plant or just oils

A: just oils for now

Q: are the rumors about Teva trying to buy you out true?

A: they called us and wanted to sign an NDA to have access to our information. There was no reason for us to give them access to our intellectual property/information so we denied their request.

Q: why did you go public?

A: three years ago cannabis was not taken seriously. When I told my mother what I was doing she thought I was a drug dealer and wanted nothing to do with it. Others had a similar reaction At the time buying the ticker was the only way to raise funds. If I could have raised the money at the time I would have preferred to be private. (MY OPINION: now cannabis is more widely accepted I think their recent partnerships and agreements point to this. Their non dilutive financing points to their current goals not to just keep issuing shares. I also think this rarity is why we have found such a gem and ground floor opportunity. Had cannabis been widelt accepted in 2014 I don't think theyd be public right now )

Me: well I'm glad you went public haha

He then let me see the cream. While I don't have psoriasis I can say the cream didn't have any noticable negative effects on my skin. Cream is kind of thick and you can smell the weed haha but the smell subsidies after rubbing it on.

MY OPINION: while he didn't say it, from my own interpretations of body language and context clues, I believe efficacy is a given. It almost seemed as if it was assumed that it was coming to market throughout our convo Once again this is my opinion not fact.

Also MY OPINION from talking to him he is aware of the fluctuations in the stock price but doesn't seem concerned. I get the impression he believes long term everything will work itself out.

Overall he was very nice and willing to answer all my questions. I know there are quite a few topics that might have benefitted from a deeper dive but do to my own time restrictions I couldn't get to those. I hope at least one of these answers helps y'all in your DD

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05/02/17 8:34 AM

#88856 RE: 1990 #71459

Thank you