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03/13/17 3:12 PM

#71044 RE: RobotDroid #71042

again, you could not be more wrong. do your DD. Trump is PRO Med MJ. Best of luck


03/13/17 3:13 PM

#71045 RE: RobotDroid #71042

Still his role seem to be marginal and not capable to influence since MMJ has large support even inside Trump


03/13/17 3:16 PM

#71046 RE: RobotDroid #71042

This stock has been trading within the same patterns since September I've been here since and have watched it closely everyday. Same manipulated retracement percentages give or take. I don't give a if Sessions effects others, Sessions has not effected OWC at all, end of story.


03/13/17 3:38 PM

#71057 RE: RobotDroid #71042

I think marijuana will be legal here in usa but first those corrupt bastards will create panic.


03/13/17 3:40 PM

#71059 RE: RobotDroid #71042

Just click on the link. White House position on medical MJ as per Sean Spicer:

There’s two distinct issues here: medical marijuana and recreational marijuana. I think medical marijuana, I’ve said before, that the president understands the pain and suffering that many people go through, who are facing especially terminal diseases, and the comfort that some of these drugs, including medical marijuana, can bring to them. And that’s one that Congress, through a rider in [2014], put an appropriations bill saying that the Department of Justice wouldn’t be funded to go after those folks.

Go $$OWCP$$

All imho, do your own DD.