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03/12/17 10:16 PM

#126103 RE: dlausch #126102

Many thanks for the kind words. I too have ALZ in my family make up, and have seen it's terrible effects 1st hand - which is even all the more reason why AMBS attracted a lot of attention early on, including my own. The sad reality is - AMBS was brought to the brink of total failure by its very own CEO.

IMHO and my personal dealings with him - Gerald Commissiong is not a nice guy - I learned that the hard way - a lesson that will last me the rest of my life.

But heres to SeD - AMBS's new owner - and here's to true and honest professionals that can take this to the next level of success - versus creating false hopes and spewing visions of grandeur - all for personal self flattery, self gain and ones own personal precious ego .....

sad but true...