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08/27/06 5:37 PM

#57400 RE: KNTSKC #57394

Actually guy,, you are on the right track,, Not 100% in the middle of the road, but you are going in the right direction.


08/27/06 5:45 PM

#57404 RE: KNTSKC #57394

i find it interesting that a guy like serfy is now spending all of his time and weekend time posting on this board....(my excuse is that im at work),,,,you know his spread doubt and fear. I have to admit he is very good at what he does. However, its already apparent that anyonewith any brains can see past his diatribes............
P.S....Cant wait forthe response.....should be good.


08/27/06 5:58 PM

#57417 RE: KNTSKC #57394

I think you hit it right on the head.

I wrote this earlier.

The Truth is right before your eyes.

Can you believe the amount of bashers this stock has? I mean seriously, if FHAL hadn't been shorted into oblivion before the merger, that quite frankly came out of the blue, do you think you would see anywhere near this many bashers here. They had no time to cover, and now they are between a rock and a hard place.

It is comical really to see literaly page after page of bashers supporting each other, and participating in a big yank fest. Some of them are even very good at planting doubt in what already seems like a too good to be true scenerio. At this point, no one can be sure exactly what will happen, but what you can be certain of, is what is at stake here. Money, lots and lots of money. When you understand that, you will understand why show up like flies on a carcus.

Think about it from a common sense standpoint.

The amount of money that is going to be lost by the short side here is staggering. If there are in fact, more than 40 million shares shorted, potentially billions of dollars stand to be lost at the pps reset. You tell me. If you were looking down the barrel of that gun is there anything you wouldnt do to stop it from happening?

The first thing you would do is get a check in the mail to the king of idiots and his website. Actually, I shouldnt call him that because the guy is giving them their monies worth many times over. I know I would hire him if I needed one of the absolute best a stock bashing. His performanc here has really has been tireless. Just think about how much attention he gives it. Of course I cant prove that he is any more than he can prove that he isnt. He says he isnt being paid, but seriously, he isnt even in this country he can say anything he wants without the slightest worry that he will be caught. Don't believe me? Simply ask yourself this common sense question. Does his obsesive behavior with CSHD, like so many others here, say to you that he has nothing to gain?

If you believe it does then I have bridge to sell you.

You people are looking at as much proof as you could possibly hope to get that CSHD is at least a real threat, in that their are people afraid of it going through to the reset or even a 10k filing. The parade of idiots and people that personally stand to lose everything are right here before you working you as hard as they can. And in the process, it is THEY who are hurting you as an investor. If you are day trading they are working to drive down the pps. If you are a long, they are working to get the whole thing shut down by the SEC.

You see, Rufus must fail at this point. Make no mistake, they are sending everything they can to the SEC. You can bet they are. But it isnt for YOU the investor. They could care less about you. It is because the SEC stepping in and stopping this is the ONLY prayer they have of walking away unscathed.

Toxic investors play a dangerous game that rarely ever gets turned around on them. Hopefully this time, their luck has run out.

I post my opinions and thoughts on this because I personally stand to gain or lose my money, and I see Bashers as a threat to me.

Are they a threat to you?


08/27/06 6:25 PM

#57437 RE: KNTSKC #57394

"somebody is in the river"

Yep. Go back and read my post from a little while ago about the many ways the Fat Cats play with their prey.