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03/15/17 11:04 AM

#266539 RE: F6 #266380

March 14, 2017 Heavy Snow aka Pi Day Storm

Published on Mar 14, 2017 by ron murphy [ / , ]

Heavy snow event on March 14, 2017 as Nor'easter develops and moves up the east US coast. A persistent band of snow stayed over the house for most of the day. This video from all 3 cameras is from 2:00 am EDT to 8:24 am EDT.

IMPORTANT NOTE: both cameras are about 12 inches off the ground. At the end of the video the snow was about 19 inches. So there is a wall of snow between the camera and other stuff. Except for the last part which is attached to a window above the deck. Please note the time as well.

Images were taken every minute using a Raspberry Pi model B and model B+. Both pi/cameras were outside this time. Another Raspberry Pi Zero stuck to the window took the part with the trees. A forth Raspberry Pi was logging temperatures.

Notables: the trees. Final tally on the snowfall amount here, was 22 inches.

Slapped together using a combination of imagemagick, ffmpeg and a bit of python.

Apalachin, NY USA. [with comments]


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