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Grand Rio

03/14/17 1:16 PM

#3426 RE: BostonRon #3424

Hey Ron, what was that message you got from Rositano? It got deleted of course, but that was cool to see he replied. Have you got any more info on WWTH/FDBL?


04/04/17 3:26 PM

#3432 RE: BostonRon #3424

$WWTH & $$FDBL Partnership “Entering the beta stage of our Fan Pass Live app represents a significant milestone in our development cycle as we work toward full release in 2017. Part of our process is to have several groups of beta testers using the app and providing feedback, we look forward to your submissions to participate in our beta test program and welcome all comments, it is all part of releasing a more dynamic mobile application that was designed with real user feedback.”