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03/11/17 11:38 AM

#37995 RE: All-Bidness #37994

Yes that is right it isn't a sale. It was given. That's why it is an exempt transaction and did not need approval

So let me ask you what happens if they never do a 43-101?

Without it there is never a payment.
There is never mining and never a smelting royalty.

If it was a sale what value did we get?

ST was an asset that had value on the books.
Let's give it $100 value for the sake of ease.

We gave $100 of asset value and recieved nothing.
The Smelter return and 1 time payment may never happen so what was the company shareholders given in return for their $100?
Did the company just lose the asset value?

I don't think it was a bad thing to do. The company has no money and so the claim would be lost eventually without maintaining fees etc.
It's good Dan unloaded the burden.

But it wasn't a sale till the shareholders get a ROI.

If anything it only proved my point that you don't invest in an asset because management can unload an asset with no notice.