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Daddy Rick

03/10/17 5:42 PM

#7293 RE: marsred #7292

I know there are a LOT of disappointed investors
out there. Angry, feeling "screwed" and just plain MAD!!!...BUT the time is near or even now for ITKG to turn it around and get their act together.
The Resin-base conductive makes a LOT more sense NOW than even a couple years ago. The R&D has proven out. It's flexible, non-shorting.....PERFECT for the automotive, aircraft, even the military electronic equip soldiers carry into battle!!! Weapons of ALL sorts, electric cars...on and on.
What they NEED, and what I'm hoping to hear Monday, is a "sales force" to introduce the product(s) to the manufacturing public.
Imagine how much less weight this "wiring" product would be in, say, a Boeing 777...or a F-18 Super Hornet. IT'S PERFECT!!!! Get someone to present this to Lockheed, Ford, GM, Boeing.....
Is it a gamble? HELL YES BUT at this PPS (I'm in at .09s, btw) it's worth it. I'm willing to support this technology for a chance to make things better in America PLUS make a big payday for myself....
Good luck to ALL of us no matter WHEN we joined in or how long we been fighting.

Have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!! :-)