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03/10/17 1:47 PM

#31273 RE: Phoenix_Sol #31272

Thanks bro!! Hang in there all will be well soon.
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03/10/17 1:49 PM

#31276 RE: Phoenix_Sol #31272

He also said they are waiting on news too. And that is coming sooner than later. In about a week or so maybe two.
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03/10/17 2:44 PM

#31296 RE: Phoenix_Sol #31272

Kodiak has an important roll to play...I tried to talk sense into one of my most wealthy friends about setting up an investment company for start ups with $250 mil but it would have entailed too much work and additional resources, more office space etc and hey are already needing to move into a bigger building which is not so easy in a entire R&D dept to find worthwhile investments and vett applicants...and I wasn't going to do it lol...

Point is need more like them no less like them...

Seriously a $50,000,000.00 market cap? I definitely want some of what they are smoking. LOL do the math...what would PPS be?

I WANT them to be right...
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03/10/17 3:15 PM

#31306 RE: Phoenix_Sol #31272

Confirmed, Kodiak did answer.. Thought you guys said these people are mute?? You DOOMSAYERS are getting old.. I get what you all are doing. Guess it works for ya.. Keep up the good work.
