Kodiak has an important roll to play...I tried to talk sense into one of my most wealthy friends about setting up an investment company for start ups with $250 mil but it would have entailed too much work and additional resources, more office space etc and hey are already needing to move into a bigger building which is not so easy in Chicago...like a entire R&D dept to find worthwhile investments and vett applicants...and I wasn't going to do it lol...
Point is need more like them no less like them...
Seriously a $50,000,000.00 market cap? I definitely want some of what they are smoking. LOL do the math...what would PPS be?
Confirmed, Kodiak did answer.. Thought you guys said these people are mute?? You DOOMSAYERS are getting old.. I get what you all are doing. Guess it works for ya.. Keep up the good work.