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03/10/17 3:37 PM

#48734 RE: Chuck703VA #48731


I think 'the' top will be this summer. I made no money in this 8 year rally because I kept expecting too.

But I really think it may be this summer.

In regards to sightings and visitation, that's very interesting that birds have come also into your life to convey messages.

While my mother was in her second hospital, as I was driving home one night a huge white owl swooped directly at my car. The owl almost hit it, and swerved just before contact. The wingspan was huge, at least 6 feet.

I knew there were no white owls in Fla so was trying to think of what it could be.

'Coincidentally,' a week later my employers son, who is on the Commission to Preserve the Everglades told us that white owls had recently just been sighted in Florida and even showed us a huge photo he had blown up of one sitting on a tree in the Everglades.

Other things too.