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08/27/06 5:43 AM

#22890 RE: quiet #22889

'quiet' - I am in general agreement with 'stillwet', but do believe there was some form of a 'seller'. I think the mm's , saw their future 'gravy train' getting hit and picked up on that and helped out a bit.(Secret agenda's and shareholder impatience also had an assist.) They, once sensing the hard bottom realised that at perhaps any time, the combination of cash from certs incoming, the 'on board' change of sentiment, the developing awareness of the 'under valued pps' by the immmediate investment community (by flippers and longs) as well as anticipating the upturn in key indicators could very well leave them scrapping for their quota. And as 'CC' speculated, their may have been a 'news leak'. They may have very well could have said " F' this" and went for it! I know they got some of my shares as I was 'trying' to add another 100,000 at .012 (while norton got filled at.0125)! Also this could even have been done by ONE fat single buyer. This same event occurred with NEOM which gave the pps a heck of a jolt. We then found out later that a native fellow out west went in big. Personally I believe that PBLS is a desirable target from a whole range of 'wild and wooly' market specialists and we can anticipate some future wicked gyrations! Common sense dictates, considering the "multiple angles" from where a positive spin can be generated by those that may - PBLS is a 'marketers utlimate dream stock'!! "If 'they' can dream it - they will come". And 'PLAY THEY WILL -HARD'! This as close as a 'Holy Grail Play' I have ever seen! But in the end the the answer "Will Be Up". Gotta' keep your eye on the ball!! Waitin' for warp drive! Peace Out!! SC. ps. This was NOT a pump just my miniscule opinion!!