Yes, they're cranking the units out as fast as they can. They mentioned in one of their press releases that there's a discount on quantity so I'd guess the fewer they order the more expensive they get. Plus you have to figure in shipping charges to them and then through their distribution lines to vendors. The higher quantity shipped, the less expensive.
The cost of the units are (and don't quote me) I believe $350 each. But they have a several year shelf life and start turning revenues almost instantly. Real cash cows that have proven time and time again to have an incredible rate of demand.
Their numbers are estimated to have them at a profitable level of operations now, we have to wait for the financials but they should be very impressive and only the tip of what's to come for quarter 1 financials and to continue for a good while. The 2016 annual report is due on the 30th and is a milestone report many investors should be waiting on.
As far as behind the scene we can only speculate because they can't talk about numbers or material events that haven't been completed or published yet. That being said, we can speculate they want to wrap up the Doheny loan ASAP and I wouldn't be surprised if they're already in preliminary discussions with investment bankers or lending from a big bank. Doheny no doubt helped them over a huge hump but as we can speculate, they come across as very greedy and Wainer may have told them to piss off because profits are going to drive the company forward now until they cut a deal with an investment bank or something/one way bigger than Doheny.
As far as progress, the numbers speak for themselves. Off the chart growth with no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
It can still be estimated that by 2019-2020 there will be close to if not more than 1,000,000 BAIIDs on the road nationwide. That's triple from what the TIRF reported for August of 2015. $BDIC is just getting started.