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03/07/17 3:30 PM

#38032 RE: ronrooster #38031

The veterinary experience Donnelly has will be a great addition to the company as it moves into the next stage. Interesting resume.

ENTB should be "swimming in the right pool" as Harry Lander put it. That pool should be the same as Aratana Therapeutics and Kindred Biosciences, both over $6.00 currently. Both companion animal development-stage companies. With more ENTB revelation should get $$.

The preferred stock you mentioned relates to RGBP/RGBPP. RGBP will receive revenue if not sold from ENTB or its % share from ownership of the sale of the company. Further development and sale most likely the objective here. Management looks to be confident and optimistic with NR2F6 to treat canine/feline cancer and arthritis. And could be broadened to other autoimmune diseases. IMO. GL.