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03/06/17 9:53 PM

#67497 RE: One Luv #67492

Friedland was on point tonite and touched on almost everything. I like how he said WHEN not IF the Psoriasis Cream hits the dispensaries. Read the tea leaves folks!!!! It's a foregone conclusion....THE CREAM WORKS LIKE A DREAM!!!! Don't wait for the efficacy results to be released to buy ur shares or you'll pay much more. If u listened to that interview consider urself blessed....

Like I said, we are going launch mode folks!!!




03/06/17 10:01 PM

#67502 RE: One Luv #67492

One Luv - no incorrect. IRB approval this year, not FDA. IRB and backed by Israeli government. Can sell as medicine world wide. FDA approval takes much more time and money. Not necessary for topical psoriasis cream, especially for international sales. IRB approval is very strong. We will use proceeds from cream and other products to gain FDA approval for medicinal products.


03/06/17 10:16 PM

#67517 RE: One Luv #67492

OWCP - on the way to 52 wk high ~