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03/06/17 4:24 PM

#266070 RE: Maria56 #266068

I wonder if they think this is new 'news' .. heck they've been doing that since late 2007 ..

Obama is the reason that chicken shit trump didn't run in 09 or 12 .... he damn well knew he'd be laughed & screamed off the stage !

he's so jealous of Obama, has been from way way back! ..he just doesn't measure up in any way .. . Most certainly not intellectually

.. ;) .. I know you know .......;) ..

they are taking bets now .. let me see If I can find where I found it .. oh the bet is 'stupid ' will BE out of office before the end of this year ! ... ;)


03/06/17 4:30 PM

#266071 RE: Maria56 #266068

heck there is a million places like that . .betting on his .. .departure ..

I just read about it today . I guess it's been going on forever.. lol

why are we being punished?


03/06/17 4:36 PM

#266072 RE: Maria56 #266068

GOP Strategist Drops Some Reality: If Obama Wanted to Get Trump, He’d Have Leaked His Tax Returns

By Sarah Jones on Sun, Mar 5th, 2017 at 1:33 pm

After Trump accused President Obama, without evidence, of personally abusing his power to spy on Trump,
Republican strategist Rick Wilson pointed out just how stupid that accusation really is.

If President Obama had wanted to use the government to get Trump, he could have easily leaked his tax returns. You know, the
super secret tax returns Trump refuses to provide to the American people even though every other modern presidential candidate has done so.

Wilson wrote, ” 1/ What would have hurt Trump more? Having the FBI/NSA/CIA got to FISC to beg for warrants that may
or may not have borne fruit… 2/ Or having the IRS leak Trump’s tax returns? You do the math.”



03/06/17 4:36 PM

#266073 RE: Maria56 #266068