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Dragon Lady

03/06/17 9:29 AM

#25243 RE: Snug Harbour #25228

Quote, "• The company is likely to generate substantial net losses and negative cash flow from operations over the near to medium term. Therefore, USRM’s available cash balance might not be sufficient to fund its anticipated level of operations for at least the next twelve months. Therefore, timely arrangement of incremental funding would remain a critical liquidity & financial flexibility factor. "

TRANSLATION TO ME: They have LITTLE to NO CASH left at any given time and will need to continue to limp along borrowing toxic, floorless, convertible debt in their typical increments of like $25K and $50K at a time (see SEC filings Daniel James, Fourth Man, etc).

OR, the CEO can just sell 33%, or 1/3 of the total company O/S shares as he did per the 12/16/16 SEC 8-K, sell 1/3 of the company to via an unregistered sale of securities, to a "foreign entity" for a grand total, whopping, lousy $90K cash infusion, LOL ! $90K, and the CEO sold-off ONE THIRD of the company's then entire outstanding share count. You know, cause this is "WORTH $BILLIONS" supposedly??????

(ALL of course, which 100% MATCHES THE COMPANY'S OWN SEC STATEMENTS, AUDITOR GOING CONCERN and "liquidity problem" WARNINGS, constant use of toxic, dilutive, convertible debt and now even "factoring" borrowing, aka borrowing against all incoming future revenues at horrific bad rates and terms, as recent as their last 10-Q, approx 3 short months ago)

Yeah, looks like its firing on all cylinders to me, LOL ?? Oh, and where's the $10 MILLION to $50 MILLION or more coming from to fund their only major FDA quality, late stage clinical TRIALS PLURAL, the MARVEL or REGEN TRIALS, which have been stalled-out and "SUSPENDED" since 2010, for LACK OF FUNDING per their own March of 2016, most recent filed SEC 10-K annual report????

Most recent filed SEC 10-K, filed in March of 2016:

PAGE 38:

"We received approval from the FDA in July of 2009 to conduct a Phase I safety study on 15 patients of a combined therapy (Myocell with SDF-1), which we believe was the first approval of a study combining gene and cell therapies. We initially commenced work on this study, called the REGEN Trial, during the first quarter of 2010. We suspended activity on the trial in 2010 while seeking additional funding necessary to conduct the trial. We are seeking to secure sufficient funds to reinitiate enrollment in the MARVEL and REGEN trials. If we successfully secure such funds, we intend to re-engage a contract research organization, or CRO, investigators and certain suppliers to advance such trials. We have initiated and enrolled our first patient in the MIRROR trial in 2013. The trial is very similar to the MARVEL trial but focuses on sites outside the US. We will continue enrollment in the MIRROR trial once we have secured sufficient funds."

2010 to a SEC FILING released in March of 2017, covering all of 2016, and STILL LACK OF FUNDING for their key clinical trials? WHY?? WHY WOULD THAT BE??

THEE single greatest BULL MARKET IN PROBABLY ALL OF WORLD HISTORY, and most would argue probably thee biggest BIO-TECH BULL MARKET PERIOD ever seen in world history, but ole Bioheart/USRM CAN NOT and COULD NOT attract any major funding in SEVEN DAMN YEARS OF SEARCHING??? WHY?

Read the Northstar Biotech LLC lawsuit, made up of their largest shareholders, form BOD members, thus insiders, as they via their attorney give lengthy commentary on why they believe USRM/Bioheart was never able to "ATTRACT FUNDING" and why they're "STILL YEARS AWAY FROM ANY FDA APPROVED HEART PRODUCT" etc. They explain it in great detail, from their prospective as the Plaintiffs, who've all lost TREMENDOUS amounts of money on this mess, clear back to the pre-IPO days and the post IPO "loan default" days, when Northstar saved this train wreck from BK.