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03/05/17 5:47 AM

#19544 RE: Slojab #19542

I agree with you. I'd really like VTPI to just let shareholders know what is going on instead of keeping everyone hanging since July


04/05/17 4:20 PM

#19794 RE: Slojab #19542

You can substitute the names and stock symbol for just about every other Stock that has done a reverse merger. The most important thing missing is the fact that reverse mergers with this share structure often run 1,000% plus. Take a look at DRW*. It ran up to over 2,600% today before closing up 1,700%. That stocks sharestucture is double of this stock.

As for you comment about the CEO finding it too difficult to keep up with SEC filings, I believe that is false. It cost a lot of money to file with the SEC and often times these companies cannot afford the extra money when they are first starting a business. It actually is a smart business move.

As for the dead deal, it is very probable that you are right. However, usually companies will find another r/m candidate shortly after and that is what looks like is going on here. We know they are looking to do a R/M and there isn't a shortage of companies looking for a otc traded company to r/m into.

To sum it all up, this stock could easily run up over .01 with any type of r/m confirmation. It's past dealings and business failures are irrelevant if this is a r/m. Look at DOL*. The company has the exact same SS and went to .02 on a R/M. I expect similar results here!