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03/03/17 11:38 AM

#50583 RE: RockoTaco #50561

What's different to dictate different direction?

This is not specifically directed at you Rocko, but you asked today.

So why can't we see, and therefore acknowledge, what is so important about what's happened since Mc has been hired????


For one - there's a VP of Engineering. If you don't consider that a different way of managing, then NOTHING will change your perspective.

The US market is now the first target market. Paige is gone. That's decisive. Don't know why that was decided, except the US is the first target market. Harumph! Unless it's to further streamline the decision to make the US the first marketplace. Hmmm. If the US adopts SPORT successfully, does Titan really need to be spending capital and actively marketing in the EU? Probably not. Also, it's much less expensive to support the first units in the US, than abroad. Less expense.

New SAB member - arguably THE most influential and most experienced daVinci surgeon in the country. That's different. If the US is going to be the first market, then Dr. Patel is a BIG deal. How can anyone not see how big his addition is to the SAB????? This guy is ISRG's poster child for Urological robotic surgery. I heard the Hallelujah Chorus singing in the background.

Many appear to be missing the forest for the trees. (I'll give all y'all the benefit of the doubt)

Mc doesn't appear to just throw a dart at the target and move to where it lands. There's a calculated method to how he earned his reputation. IMO - he does not manage in a random manner. "A Russian doesn't take a dump, without a plan." And this is much more important than that.

And don't EVEN start talking about running out of patience.

It's been 8 weeks and I've seen a tidal wave of change.

"Boy, I got vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals."

Open question to the board. How much faster do you (collectively) think he can move? We don't know what he's done. But we keep seeing small, incremental steps, to support what little we do know. And..... no, I don't think we should know the strategy - yet, because he's working on a plan that will affect direct competition, and create a new product in a market that has 1 exclusive manufacturer.

Incessant belly-aching about "where's the beef?" won't get us further down the road any faster.

I feel better already. Anyone else?

