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03/02/17 8:00 PM

#88523 RE: Danl #88522


Patrick, Kevin, Marlee and Fred hang out in there? My Bass practice area is 400 sq ft. I just have an amp 2 guitars, and two dogs.
Computers, TV, stereo.

Marlee was part time for 90k a year?

I guess it can work. I have a table with my Arduino on it. A wireless hub.

How are they going to entertain clients?

Wow it has to be bigger than 400 sq ft? A workstation takes up about 20 sq ft.

I have missed the $900 a month rent statement. Dang why not work out of a house?

They can move out here, I could build them a 1000 sq ft building for about 30k. I have an acre lot with water and septic, across from the marijuana grow operation.


03/02/17 8:21 PM

#88524 RE: Danl #88522

Where the hell are they paying 900 a month? Dumpster at carls junior?