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03/02/17 8:30 AM

#393125 RE: jarenawer #393110

There is enough capital available right now, with Dodd-Frank left as is, to create a meaningful enough amount of risk sharing to get in front of the taxpayer (Treasury) with the CSP. This post will most likely get deleted but hopefully before it does some of you will read it and sober up. The plan is not to "give it to big banks". The plan is nationalization and pad the risk through the CSP and big, regulated banks. This bait and switch should absolutely require Congress, but so long as they are in Conservatorship that decision cannot be challenged. JUST LIKE THE SWEEP cannot be challenged for legality. Wake up already. You are putting your faith in the wrong people. Mnuchin will push the finalizing of a counterfeit GSE security so banks can participate and actually make money, and Treasury keeps the proceeds. Homeowners win, taxpayers win, banks win. The only losers are shareholders. "Let me be clear, we will make sure that when they are restructured they will never get taken over again."