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03/01/17 4:38 PM

#41861 RE: scoop9 #41854

I just listed a bunch of "accomplishments" heralded by the CEO.

Yet there's no substance to them,nothing to truly herald.

It's pretty simple,He's FOS.

I challenged anyone to put forth evidence to debate.


If it happens,it'll be his first.

No,I take that back,his second. I'll put his securing the license with Shasta for the Genstrip platform as an accomplishment,though he screwed that up royally,and has fumbled the opportunity to monetize it in a meaningful way.

So 7 years after he claimed DECN would be a "savior" to One Touch users,he hasn't been able to secure one retail chain to make it available to them.

Not one Doctor has gone on record recommending Genstrip/Genultimate.

Not one Diabetes sufferer website advertisement.

Not one..

Not one...

Not one....

Too many "not one's" A year after being "unencumbered".
