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03/01/17 12:08 PM

#3851 RE: ManMillion #3850

It is beyond the scope of my posting here to point you to the resources to understand naked shorting, and how to find out what that position actually is.

Seriously? Those "resources" are bogus. Just conspiracy BS that is not factual in any way.

"Naked" shorting absolutely shows up in the FINRA numbers. This is where the naked shorting argument falls apart. The transfer agent knows, to the SECOND, how many common shares have been issued. They also know, to the SECOND, how many shares are owned (naked short shares have to be sold to someone, and those shares go to the transfer agent for transfer). So if there are any naked shares short, much less millions or hundreds of millions, the transfer agent knows it and reports it. The stock would show up on the Reg Sho list.

But PPMH is NOT on the Reg Sho list. There are no naked shorts. That claim is absolutely boloney.

a name and CUSIP change forces naked shorters to cover

No, it doesn't. More of the "I read it on the internet so it must be true!" BS. Not factual at all.

lucky, mydog

03/01/17 2:45 PM

#3854 RE: ManMillion #3850

Remember, a name and CUSIP change forces naked shorters to cover. period.

that is complete and total nonsense. any mythical naked shorters have the name and symbol change just like everyone else.

Full Contact Yoga

03/02/17 11:19 AM

#3855 RE: ManMillion #3850

Actually, completely untrue, old wives tale. But, irrelevant, it will open on the grey market, same CUSIP, down a ton, minimum 50% to start IMO...