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02/28/17 6:29 PM

#360901 RE: kbrod1 #360898

NTEK still has their ace-in-the-hole content: the Sammy Davis Jr. homemade off-the-air VHS videotapes from the '70s and '80s. I think Sammy taped ALL the episodes of Lucas Tanner.

They have that shet upscaled from VHS to 4K and are holding it back until the big HDR launch that was promised by DaFoleyFelon's email buddy/mouthpiece for August 2016. And then again for September and October ... and the July 2016 hiring of 'Don' the (Invisible) Marketing Guru.

I've been doing some research on Goulash John. Evidently he's a Hungarian Jew and has done at least one film in Budapest on Jews in WW2 (nott exactly a Schindler's List), and he has many links in Hungary. He also lived on-and-off in Massachusetts nott all that far from DaFoleyFelonFambly. That may just be a cowinkydink though. He's had dozens of businesses - flitting from one to another on both coasts and in Europe - they start then they disappear and he moves on to a new one, two, or three and lather, rinse, repeat.

I'm still just beginning to dig into his past and present, butt I think Goulash John might just be clever enough to steal the NTEK shell from DaFoleyFelon. This is nott good news for existing shareholders, butt at least it would be funn to see DaFoley be the swipee instead of the swiper for a change.

This might be a snake v. mongoose or a scorpion v. spider cage match, with Goulash John being the betting line favorite I think. Corporate control fights are a blast to watch - particularly in the pennyscams.

In any case, this is going to be interesting, and March is gonne be very, very REDD with plennie of REDD PAIN for existing shareholders.

Worse than Red October was.

Cervené március prijel!!!

REDD flags flying at the abandoned 2450 Kruse Drive 'HQ' of NTEK for March

Pathological DaFoleyFelon hunkers down in his bunker as the Hungarians approach - he will nott be having goulash, the Goulash will be having him