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02/28/17 12:21 PM

#360889 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #360888

The facts are indisputable.

NTEK owed money to K2 and Long Side the minute they signed those agreements - and those agreements were signed years ago. With the hundreds of millions of NTEK shares that have been dumped into the market since those agreements were signed, NTEK could have paid what they owed both K2 and Long Side Ventures several times over - with plenty left in the pot to sign several new content agreements with major studios.

But instead, Foley pocketed tens of millions of dollars dumping stock while NTEK saw those agreements turn into settlements, those settlements turn into lawsuits, those lawsuits turn into final judgements and NTEK become an enforcement debtor now beholden to both K2 and Long Side.

So now NTEK has mere days to answer an extensive list of questions under oath and allow both enforcement creditors to pick apart their bank accounts and sellable assets.