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02/25/17 11:37 PM

#111266 RE: Homebrew #111264

There is a difference the short report shows both naked shorts and legal shorts. Pay attention to the tabs.
Professionals know the real deal and how Shorts cover and re-short to steal easy money.
most here know No matter how hard some try. The next UNGS runs can not be stopped.
Just like the UNGS Jan. 30th triple after the Greater Cannabis Divvy news.
Everyone here that has been watching and reading know the whales have arrived again with Doc Anderson latest news and with over half a billion volume on Friday alone after the news. Most here know what that means.
Volume precedes price.
I alone will be buying 33,333,333 shares of UNGS next week if I can still get in on the bottom.
In the remembrance of Birdys3333 great Deed and the profit from my sell of them shares will be used to do good favor just like Birdy's deed.

I really like this part:
"In addition to the upcoming GCC Superstore launch, we are working diligently to bring in additional cannabis related businesses under The Greater Cannabis Company umbrella."
What will be UNGSTERS next Surprise!

The GCC divvy was a brilliant Idea by a brilliant Ceo Dr. Jimmy Wayne Anderson.
Shorts hate Divvy's because they ether cover before the divvy or pay the divvy!
If the borrowed stock pays a dividend, the short seller is responsible for paying the dividend to the person or firm making the loan.
MM telling all