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02/24/17 8:37 PM

#265421 RE: StephanieVanbryce #265414

Excerpt .. "The subject was raised at an event hosted by Politico in December, before Spicer had been named as President Trump’s press secretary. Politico’s Jake
Sherman raised the question of how a Trump White House might deal with outlets it didn’t like, given that some had been blocked from attending Trump campaign events.

“One of the things that the Trump campaign gained notoriety for, and was criticized for, was banning reporters and banning
outlets,” Sherman said, noting that Politico was one of those outlets. “You’ve said, I think, that that’s not going to happen . . . ?”

“Look, there’s a big difference between a campaign where it is a private venue using private funds and a government entity,” Spicer
. “I think we have a respect for the press when it comes to the government. That is something you can’t ban an entity from.”

“Conservative, liberal or otherwise,” he continued, “that’s what makes a democracy a democracy versus a dictatorship. I
think there is a vastly different model when it comes to government and what should be expected, and that’s on both sides.”"

from your

In December, Spicer said barring media access is what
a ‘dictatorship’ does. Today, he barred media access.

because it a gem worthy of any list any could make from this video

One Month In, The Trump Presidency Has Been Anything But Usual | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

which is the 6th video down in F6's

Full Show - Ted Nugent: We Are Winning - 02/20/2017

thanks, that Spicer before and after is a classic - gotcha! - and has just been added to my t-rump, you and yours are such nice and decent people, pocked reference list.