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Dale C

02/24/17 7:33 PM

#265417 RE: JimLur #265412

You didn't get the memo? New Zealand is where folks are heading, supposedly the best place to weather an apocalypse.
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02/24/17 8:13 PM

#265419 RE: JimLur #265412

JimLur, get fuagf right in the future, you've been told about that bullshit more times than once .. if you don't mean
anything by it, then ok, still get it right as practice in paying attention to detail .. that would be good for you, too.
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02/24/17 10:05 PM

#265422 RE: JimLur #265412

JimLur: I am sure I would be happy down under with fuagf. As for as you coming to Texas, we have enough of people from the north here now. One reason we are in the shape we are. But if you do, you better learn to speak TexMex. The state is going more brown by the day. And you do know the Mexicans vote Dem. So the days of Republican are short.
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02/25/17 3:34 AM

#265435 RE: JimLur #265412

Trump just said press "shouldn't be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody's name." YOUR SENIOR AIDES SPUN US ON BACKGROUND TODAY.
9:29 AM - 24 Feb 2017
[with comments]


Trump this morning: there should be no unnamed sources.
Speaking of unnamed ‘sources’...
Donald J. Trump
An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud.
3:23 PM - 6 Aug 2012
[ (with {over 4,000} comments)]

9:45 AM - 24 Feb
[with comments]


For years, Trump posed as his own pretend publicist—an ‘unnamed source’ to feed stories about himself to NY tabloids

9:48 AM - 24 Feb 2017
[with comments]


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