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02/24/17 4:34 PM

#265407 RE: BOREALIS #265404

Thank YOU Borealis.. EXCELLENT! ... :-)

I'll get to work on that one.. what an impressive bio! my GOD!


02/24/17 5:43 PM

#265408 RE: BOREALIS #265404

Trump's anti-press rants will wear thin on the majority of Americans over time. And his exclusion of the press

CNN — as well as The New York Times, The Hill, Politico, BuzzFeed and the Los Angeles Times — was among the publications not allowed into the briefing.

Several right-leaning outlets were allowed into Spicer’s office, including Breitbart, The Washington Times and One America News Network.

ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Reuters, Bloomberg and McClatchy were also allowed into the meeting.

cannot last. His reliance on extreme super-nationalistic populist boast and bluster -with his 'what is good for the world is bad for
our U.S.A.', and his 'the press is our enemy' - mantras will come back to bite him when he fails to deliver on his job promises.

The secret admirers who may only vote for him if anonymous

Donald Trump might be more popular than you think
By Steven Shepard 02/03/17 07:31 PM EST

may be too self-deluded to see pass their noses now, but many of them will see him for the authoritarian ass that he is in time .. when his con-man promise to bring back manufacturing
jobs from overseas proves itself empty .. when the economy, urged on by his immigration and tax policies, slips back toward recession, then more Americans will edge back
toward better understanding of what the reality show they were duped by really was .. then his popularity will be looking at depression levels, where it deserves to be.

I hope.


02/25/17 1:06 AM

#265427 RE: BOREALIS #265404

Joe: President Donald Trump's Media Statement 'Very, Very Dangerous' | Morning Joe | MSNBC


Published on Feb 20, 2017

Top Talkers: In an extraordinary move this weekend, Donald Trump called out most major U.S. media
outlets as the enemies of the American people. The Morning Joe panel discusses the remark.

"Retired U.S. Navy admiral calls Trump's media comments 'greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime'" .. yours also
linked here .. Intel Officials Just Revealed Trump Begged Them To Bury Russian Scandal After FBI Denied Him


04/24/17 6:36 PM

#268474 RE: BOREALIS #265404

Lindsey Graham, "Trump’s budget “dead on arrival.”"

The End of Foreign Aid As We Know It

Trump budget would gut development assistance and fold USAID into State.

By Bryant Harris, Robbie Gramer, Emily Tamkin
April 24, 2017


“That will end the technical expertise of USAID, and in my view, it will be an unmitigated disaster for the longer term,” said Andrew Natsios, the former USAID Administrator under President George W. Bush. “I predict we will pay the price. We will pay the price for the poorly thought out and ill-considered organization changes that we’re making, and cuts in spending as well.”

Given the steep bipartisan opposition to slashing foreign assistance, Congress likely will not consent to the entire proposed reduction. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham went as far as to declare Trump’s budget “dead on arrival.”