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02/24/17 3:16 PM

#11590 RE: scstocks #11589

SC, Sounds like you should be in good shape to get thru the crisis, and being away from large population centers should be a plus.

Rickards says the coming crisis will result in a permanent change to the US and world. He says - "We won't recover from the next crisis. We're about to go thru a one way door. It isn't about restoring or fixing capitalism, it's about replacing it."

He says the goals from the elite's perspective are - 1) Control, and 2) Wealth extraction. He says the elites will be the only winners, and everyone else will be devastated, especially the middle class. He says a permanent 'neofascism' will be in place.

I think a key part of the elite's plan is to cripple and eliminate the middle class, since they consider a thriving middle class to be an existential threat to their oligarchy. Likewise they see our democratic / constitutional type of government as anathema to their interests.

It sounds like we can basically kiss goodbye any funds we have in financial institutions, banks, brokerages, mutual fund companies, etc. This will be the financial equivalent of a nuclear war, and a big part of the reason the elites want to do it is to end the middle class.

So they may not restore very much of our lost 'digital' money after the crisis. When FDR closed all the US banks in 1933, my grandfather lost 95% of what he had on deposit, and it took something like fifteen years to get anything (5%) back. In the 2013 Cypress crisis, which Rickards says was a 'dry run' for Ice-9, the IMF/banksters immediately extracted 6-10% from all bank deposits. So presumably in the coming big collapse, the haircut will be somewhere in the middle of those figures.

Owning lots of gold should be one's financial salvation, though as Rickards says, they'll likely also launch a 'war on gold' eventually. So if you manage to get thru the Ice-9 period intact via owning gold, you may have to shift into the new SDR based system fairly quickly once the financial system is re-floated.

All I can say is I hope the elites get cold feet and decide to delay this crash for as long as possible. Wouldn't bet on that though..