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02/23/17 3:04 PM

#38052 RE: M D #38051

Just because Sidney didn't answer means absolutely Nothing.

Try calling him at dinner time when most are home for the day.

He lives in British Columbia. That's California time btw.

Go $PFNO and Sidney Bonds


02/23/17 3:22 PM

#38053 RE: M D #38051

Worst pump of all time WTF IMO


02/23/17 3:36 PM

#38055 RE: M D #38051

Well there's so many reasons he didn't pick up. 1) He was driving, 2) eating breakfast, 3) In a meeting, 4) On the can, 5) Asleep and so on and so on ad nauseam!

The thing is, work out what the time difference is relative to where you live then call him at what you think is a good time to call.