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02/23/17 12:22 PM

#20731 RE: hardlesson #20730

Not to mention...

...paying back those Individuals that have Invested in him and STAU.

Especially when the Company is Profitable.




02/23/17 4:50 PM

#20732 RE: hardlesson #20730

That has been one of the things that I can not figure out, why does he not get it straightened out? It makes no sense to me. I have worked out what conservative valuations are on a sales and net income basis and he would be worth millions.
It would also be great for employees and growth. I get no straight answer, "we are trying to stay under the radar of Nike and Under Armour and other competitors". Give me a break, that might make sense over a short period of time but I have been hearing it for four years. As I tell him, it looks like he is hiding something ( to put it nicely).
Today he told me the lawyers told him not to communicate with me anymore. I told him to make a public announcement. If he is engaging the lawyers to get things straightened out that is a material event and should be publicized.