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02/23/17 7:51 AM

#113325 RE: F6 #113324

Perhaps humankind will adapt vis-à-vis, population size, all other species adapt to their environment? You seem to place no weight on humans adapting to innovation. Using your logic, our "downfall" started with the invention of the wheel.


02/23/17 7:58 AM

#113326 RE: F6 #113324

as for AI -- within just the last year, the breakthroughs have been, to borrow a Trumpism, YUGE


Yes it is. I've been posting about innovation supplanting human capital for some time on this board. I think it's the natural progression and in many cases a better alternative. Today AI systems can more accurately diagnosis diseases based on symptoms then physicians. If a patient had a misdiagnosis that an AI system would have diagnosed correctly I suspect that patient would prefer the AI system. Just one example of 1000's.