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Doctor Detroit

02/22/17 12:26 PM

#11325 RE: turks #11324 looks like you were right that the Probuphine Innovations for Clinical Effectiveness (PRINCE) study is ongoing. HITLAB had Dr. Michael Frost, who is running the study, give a presentation at their innovators summit. The conference summary states: "Mike Frost, MD, President and Medical Director, Frost Medical Group, discussed the Prince study, a joint effort by Frost Medical, Braeburn Pharmaceuticals, and HITLAB. The study is exploring the potential utility of actigraphy for physicians in their treatment of opioid dependency, with a specific focus on the medication Probuphine and its effects on patient activity levels and sleep quality."

I was curious as to what was going on because the clinical trials page had not been updated.

I think this is explained because Frost Medical is running the entire 15 person trial. You may recall, Dr. Frost was one of the first doctors to prescribe probuphine.