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02/23/17 10:43 AM

#15918 RE: Slojab #15912

Last I checked (maybe 8 mos ago) it was around $4.2 That's a 50% increase, and 33% dilution of my ownership. They had been have a BIG contract in the works, as the market cap is over $20m and nothing concrete to show for it. One would think that their partnership would have yielded several smaller contracts at the least by now if they have technology that people really think they need. Maybe they need to be convinced that they need it. That sometimes can be a very hard sell. What you prefer is a product that meets a need that people are seeking a solution for and ready to pay for YESTERDAY. It doesn't feel like that is happening here. After all this time there should be some guru's hopping up and down and shouting about this technology from the mountaintops if it really is so great.

There's always another way of looking at things, but that's how I'm viewing it pretty much still, and as time goes on it unfortunately only seems to strengthen that skepticism. I like a number of the hirings here but there are companies out that that hire great people - they pay well and they provide stimulating work that is up their alley, yet never really have an end goal to produce a product that is highly in demand and profitable. I hope Cipherloc isn't one of those.