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02/21/17 8:21 PM

#297803 RE: steelyeye #297800

Hey, how come just trying hitting the ASK to get those large blocks is never tried ?

That is the sure fired tried and true method every knowledgeable investor uses to fill large blocks.

Good grief.

and so dang hard to get large blocks filled at the bid?


02/22/17 9:29 AM

#297809 RE: steelyeye #297800

yep .. the joy of *awareness* .. when just one long's GTC of 10000 shares @ bid takes 3 days to *fill* and has
mirrored trades that are at a hidden PPS .. (i.e. wash trading 101 for the resets' accounting sort of like NN had
VNDM do re: October's *reporting*)

Hey, how come the bid keeps inching up on this so-called dead company, in this 'dead' industry that is about ready to rock and roll?

and so dang hard to get large blocks filled at the bid?

Now why would that be?

Nobody selling? lol

just a reminder .. i'd noted recent *patterns* via NON RETAIL indicated that the odds were good that PTOI's
*bid* would legitimately begin to move up exponentially and that imo *slow* and steady would win this war

i suspect PTOI's bid *continues* to advance up over the coming weeks :)
