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02/21/17 4:53 PM

#30474 RE: lighter than AIR #30473

Is it a possibility then that the stock may RS if and when it becomes fanpasslive? Its kind of hard to say what a stock will do. Yet seem to get burned by hanging with a stock too long, or in other cases not hanging with a stock long enough. Yet all an investor can do is rely on info that is given to them and make decisions based on it. I guess I was spoiled rotten with one of the first OTC stocks i delt with. They operated as a proper company. Conference calls, on time filings, transparency, etc.. So sadly no other company has seemed to live up to it. I trade stocks such as this but also look for potential in a product being offered. That is what drew me to this company is the potential in the product being offered. That being fanpasslive.