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02/21/17 2:21 PM

#8141 RE: delwcu #8133

Not exactly sure what you are referring to, but @N@$ is still trading on the pinks. Generally speaking; Scam or not, if you buy shares of something, say GVSI since this is the board we are on. Going up or going deeper into no bid, those are your shares and are worth whatever the market will bear on the day you intend on selling them. If you are holding them and the $h!T really hits the fan, you are most likely pretty much stuck with them as far as the money you put into it goes.

You can however, write them off as a tax loss at the end of the year; generally for the cost of a brokerage fee depending on broker. You just file for the abandonment of a worthless security with your broker, they take the shares out of your account, add them to their inventory and it shows up as a loss on your tax statement

The only way I have heard of you even hoping to get reimbursed is if there was a proven SEC violation worthy of a lawsuit during the time that you purchased and someone files and wins a class action law suit against such entity and if you filled everything out and got counted you may get a partial reimbursement. And frankly, that is probably even a long shot.

But don't take my word as Gospel, that is just my understanding from what I have read and seen on forums All just my opinion from info gathered over time.