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02/20/17 12:38 PM

#388702 RE: Guido2 #388701

Thank you Guido. That link does suggest that Trailing P/E would be the last 4 quarters, and thus one would use earnings per share over that same period (versus the information I read, suggesting using quarterly earnings).

So, if that's the case, I have updated the message from before:

FY2016 earnings: ~$12 bil
Shares outstanding: ~1.2 Bil
Earnings per share: 12,000,000,000 / 1,200,000,000 = $10 per share
(This doesn't account for preferred dividends, I have no idea what that total would be, but it would drop the earnings per share). Lets assume after preferred dividends the annual earnings per share is $8.00

Using the average P/E Ratio for the financials sector, mortgage industry of 20.5 (at least this is what I found today), that gives us a PPS of $8.00 x 20.5 = $164

That would make me very happy.

Thanks again