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02/19/17 5:14 AM

#7556 RE: sleekscape #7551

Yup. chart says "WE CLOSE BABY". Moving's a beach... selling and giving things away... Called the "PURGE". Selling as much as I can... Therapeutic and freeing as well.

MJTK doing well would be incredible. I watch MCOA and still find some similarity in the trading a couple of months back. Also know the MJTK share structure is still more favorable that MCOA or GRNH. I think MJTK stands out in opportunity because it's a concept where the law of large numbers apply.. Example, Face Book. Not trying to say it's on par. However, FB is trading at what? 130s? MJTK trading at .009s? Facebooks PE was very high when they went public. The fact this company is internet and not stick and brick. MJTK should be a money cow... When Large numbers of AP users come on line. In my mind advertisers should follow. Even the conventional advertisers. MJ product users wipe their butts also. Know what I mean?

In my mind. If TEW can bring in the advertisers and show them huge numbers. They will respond. MJ facilities will interact with the consumer and advertising will be right there. Marketing everything. In my mind growth could be exponential. So, my question is. What's MJTK true potential? It's hard for me to wrap my head around this. I also accept that Tew isn't your typical OTC con man... So, where are we headed? Frankly, I can't see why MJTK doesn't go cash flow positive all most on the day they roll this out.. The advertisers will flock to the faithful all mighty consumer. Now, I also know MJTK will need to raise more money to fund growth. But it should be more favorable terms.. Still VC though and that is also something I'm have a hard time seeing how that impacts things. JMHO Yes, it's early and drinking my first coffee before I return to real ville and continue my preparation to move. But this is what I have working in my head.