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02/18/17 12:36 PM

#129956 RE: KMBJN #129954

The theory that these 2 companies are not succeeding or being acccepted because they are so revolutionary and "paradigm changing" is complete horseshit. The academic and legitimate scientific and medical research field is always willing to accept PROVEN AND VERIFIABLE new developments. There are certainly commercial entities that may be threatened and therefore try to impact a new development, but the idea that academia and the scientific community is unwilling to accept new "revolutionary" developments is just wrong.

Proven and verifiable is an actual known and accepted process. Publishing a poster is not one of the commonly accepted forms of verification. Neither is a published chapter in a book that simply outline NNVC as a company without any peer reviewable back-up.


02/18/17 12:51 PM

#129957 RE: KMBJN #129954


Time will tell, as always.

We do agree Randy Mills is a better communicator than Gene. And if BLP thing works it would represent a true revolution in science - certainly on part with Newton, Maxwell, Einstein....perhaps one could even say that it would eclipse those greats.

I was going to ask you to keep us posted on BLP but then I realized there's no need. If Randy can demonstrate what he claims, it will be on the front page of the New York Times in larger print than any story ever run.

If NNVC succeeds it will represent a revolutionary application of well known science. If BLP succeeds it will represent a revolution in all of known physics.



02/22/17 3:18 PM

#129978 RE: KMBJN #129954

Now, there are some red flags with NNVC as have been pointed out here by many, and I'd say my confidence in NNVC is actually lower than my confidence in BLP. BLP is much more transparent in its claims and MUCH closer to its goal (a working product that can be sold), and Mills communicates clearly and truthfully at all times, as far as I can tell - this despite NNVC being a public company, and BLP private

Yikes! If BLP is more transparent and closer to its goal than NNVC, despite being based on physics that is almost certainly bogus, what does that make NNVC?