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02/16/17 9:33 PM

#1926 RE: MWM #1925

no I believe that there is a break in the Trail that leads you to the wrong conclusion that's why MNII trades Worthless

things that should be explained easily are not...
real questions avoided time and time again

Not sure why you want to obscure the facts? So you believe they have more debt from 1960 than what the company would have been worth present day?
Once again just a stupid argument on your part. You need to find something else to beat your silly drum with.



02/16/17 11:51 PM

#1929 RE: MWM #1925

Don't argue with him. He'll never get that he contradicts himself almost daily. He says I can't prove that they filed just like he can't prove otherwise. It's a stupid argument. He calls preferred shares from 1974 'super shares'. Way to fantasize it Deet. He claims he doesn't know if debt is greater than principal...when plainly in the FCSC it states principal exceeds debt (and some debt has been written off). He claims he has or wants to know the facts, but skews everything to the negative. And even if I did have all the answers, why would I tell everything on a board that has no positive for myself except to drive the price up. Hmmm. I love the people on here that plead their ignorance as a fact of where the stock is heading. Guess my P&D scheme is over. Dang, what will I do now? Oh yeah, buy more cheap shares of $MNII and laugh to the bank later.