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02/17/17 3:59 PM

#117796 RE: op9171787 #117791

It is my firm belief that RCCH is heavily oversold by naked short sellers. This illegal and immoral activity cannot be proven until when and if they are ever forced to cover. I now believe that the market makers that took RCCH down paid CEO Gene Newton to allow the company to die on the grey sheets. Gene profited at our expense again. Naked short sellers profit hugely because much cheaper to pay Gene off and still not have to declare profits from short sales for tax purposes.

I believe that anyone who makes the effort to get RCCH listed and trading again will be offered a far greater sum of money (far greater than $25k) to go away. I would kick in to see that happen and be part of the "new solution".

The "alleged" NSS (who claimed ad nauseam that they don't exist LOL) sold (my conservative estimate) 2 billion naked short shares from .02 in 2007 until .0001 in Oct 2008 when RCCH was releasing press that the company was going to list on an international stock exchange by end of third quarter 2008. CEO Gene Newton was probably pushing his additional 5 billion authorized share (not initially reported) out onto the market also. That is why the Transfer Agent was silenced. Then silence as all our money waited away.