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02/16/17 3:10 PM

#11571 RE: gfp927z #11570

didn't see it, talk about russians having info on balckmail, how about anyone with a laptop with a .gov address. ex pres bo signed an executive order on way out letting nsa share, for first time in nations history, to share with other intel dark states, the type of intel ripe for balckmail, sc judges, congressman, senators, whitehouse and staff. what could go wrong as they pass a secrataries desk?

much deeper than press, our own intel adgencies, coming out against us. left doesn't understand, like the 51 vote nuke option, that it can be used against them when times are different. not so good.

need perp walks for sidition, treason, maybe an execution or two will stop it. only handful of people had original access to the phone calls, found nsa folks checking up on their boyfriend and girlfriends using phone taps, how about walking some of those folks, who work for us, out in handcuffs?

and so it goes.....


02/16/17 10:39 PM

#11572 RE: gfp927z #11570

gfp; Didn't see it. Been extremely busy at the hospital lately. Full census, holding scores of patients in the ER waiting for beds to open up...seems like flu season hitting Texas with a delayed epidemic.

Politically anything is probably possible. But Trump needs to learn from his first 3 weeks. The Press will do anything and everything to try to discredit him and his administration. He should avoid them as much as possible. Second, there are scores of Democrat operatives in all branches of government. Who they are is probably well known. Purge them. Especially within the multitude of Intelligence services. We have layers upon layers of spy and pseudo spy agencies. They need to be consolidated into two. One for domestic intelligence. One for foreign intelligence. We don't need an alphabet soup of agencies. Streamline it, and in the process purge the Democrat and Deep State operatives. Prosecute the leakers. Set an example.
Third, go after all Soros funded NGOs. Indict people for voter fraud, voter intimidation, attacking Republican voters, etc. Turn the screws on them. Make them give up their superiors or face serious jail time. Follow the evidence up the Soros food chain. Put enough pressure on him and his money that he takes his Billions and looks elsewhere to cause civil unrest, destroy currencies, etc. As a last resort use operatives and kill the ugly troll and his son. I applaud his rally on Friday in Florida. Take his message to the people. Understand he's fighting the Deep State, the traitorous Democrats, the Press and the weak spined Republicans in Congress. Go to the people and encourage them to call their Senators and Congressmen to take action on all of Trump's agenda. He only has a couple of years until the next mid term election. Not much time to waste.