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02/15/17 6:08 PM

#22654 RE: floridaboy #22653

Something other than BS and LIES that they have been doing would be a good start. LMFAO!

Investors paid for the BLAND WHIRL APP FARCE, marijuana hoax merger rescinded, CBD products total SCAM never sold the first bit of product, FALSE move on BOGUS APP REVIVAL that they don't even have rights to.

Now what? Gold mines? Oil? Lithium? Green energy? So many options for more fake mergers!


02/15/17 8:31 PM

#22656 RE: floridaboy #22653

Eventually we will have a KABOOOOMAGE $$


02/17/17 9:43 AM

#22657 RE: floridaboy #22653

.0008 is up $$$