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02/14/17 4:45 PM

#15602 RE: pray #15598

Pray, A 1 for 20 reverse split sounds pretty reasonable. Remember the new company needs some cushion well above the minimum SP for uplisting. Maybe 1 for 30.

Savara management had always been responsive to questions, subject to not giving out clearly non-public info. I've spoken many times with Rob Neville, even tho I am one of the smaller holders among the angel investors.

However, now that they are in this process with a public company and becoming a publicly listed company themselves, I believe they will still try to be responsive to shareholders but will need to remain more pure than Caesar's wife.

Their responsiveness and openness has, I believe, been key in their having their cooperative relationships with the CFF and FDA, among other entities.

Best of luck to you and to all longs