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02/13/17 3:55 PM

#242594 RE: tenor15824 #242590

By the end of the year does not necessarily mean 12/31/17 - it could be sooner. I still see the fundamentals sound from an investment standpoint.


02/13/17 5:17 PM

#242607 RE: tenor15824 #242590

I was hoping that wasn't the case for anyone. I have consistently tried to call out the over exaggerated expectations, but get ridiculed. There will be a positive ending to the story here, but will be much smaller and later than some loud investors here claim.

I find it funny that Nasrat doesn't know why the stock didn't react at the additional details of the FDA meeting. Believe it or not, there is a trust issue with management. Delay after delay, issue after issue. Disappointing revenue. Investors are waiting for approval at this point and are no longer taking management's word on their future outlook. I had to deliver a similar message last week that investors no longer have faith in management of a multi-billion dollar company. Same exact message. Real results need to be seen since investors get burned so many times, eventually there becomes no reliance on future outlook. Trust needs to be rebuilt. Elite has been a struggling "show-me" stock for several years. 2015 was supposed to be breakout year. Then it was 2016. Still nothing yet, but may see some grass shoots in late 2017, but won't be from SequestOx.

Best of luck.


02/13/17 5:43 PM

#242619 RE: tenor15824 #242590

One thing, NH is likely wanting to err on the conservative side since he got 'slapped down' hard by SHs for his statement, 'They cannot stop us!' I understand. It's a tough call and at late in life the wait is particularly tenuous. Believe me! I know. I was serious when I said I am probably older than you. I wonder sometimes...???? But I believe in the company and I think SHs are very fortunate to have him at its helm. If we can hang on, I've no doubt the reward will pay off. There will be 'pops' in the meantime and I will probably take some off the table and buy back more shares. It could happen sooner, as well. We will have to wait, see how these reports of multiple deaths by ODs affects the action of the FDA. Good luck.


02/13/17 9:34 PM

#242640 RE: tenor15824 #242590

So true but that's the story of this company since 2011 when I bought in, always next year. I know about the 3 baskets but imho the share price is married to SequestOx and until that gets approved, not much is going to happen. It looks like the FDA might soon be more efficient, given the painkiller issues. Wait till next year worked for the Cubs this year so I'm optimistic for Elite.